Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
~ Matthew 19:14 ~

This past weekend we were given the greatest joy a parent can experience--Graham, our seven-year-old son, accepted Christ as his personal Saviour! Graham said that he made this decision back in January when his brother Ethan made his decision for Christ; however, our talks with him have really concerned us that he was not certain. I have been so burdened about this and have prayed that God would just speak to Graham and bring him on his own. I have specifically prayed that his decision would not be the result of a friend or sibling's conviction, but his own. On Sunday night, after hearing a christian illusionist's incredible presentation of the Gospel, he prayed and accepted Christ. He is such a private person that he didn't want to go forward in the service; however, we had a special time of confirmation later at home. Soon, our sons will be baptized together--what a blessing!
I have no greater joy than to hear
that my children are walking in the truth."
~ III John 1:4 ~
God is SO good!
1 comment:
Praise the Lord. We are so proud for you all and for Graham. He has made the most important decision for all his life. Way to go, buddy.
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