Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Labor Day Visit to Tennessee
Ella Boo Comes to Visit!
Child's World, Here Comes Anna Beth!
Ethan & Graham Go Back to School
Back-to-School Celebration!
We enjoyed a Back-to-School Celebration with our neighbors, the Warbingtons & the Jenkins, the afternoon before school started. It started with prayer over the new school year and a yummy mexican dinner; then the adults gathered around to watch the children run through the back-to-school banner. And WHAT a show it was . . . the daddies introduced each child, announcing interesting and sometimes exaggerated stats about the child as they busted through! Afterwards the kids danced by the lake . . . and then on the trampoline, lol . . . and then we enjoyed a cookie cake for dessert. The sparklers at the end of the celebration were the finishing touch. The children absolutely LOVED every moment, it was a wonderful way to kick-off the new year. A BIG 'Thank You' to the Warbingtons and Jenkins for including us this year!